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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Follow Me Friday Week #18

Hey Ya'll.  Thought I'd put up another blog hop for you guys to get in on.  I've done this one before and it's one of the easiest to follow because when it comes to the rules; there are no rules.  Kinda cool, huh?  Okay, there are a few guidelines, but it's nothing we can't handle.

I found this one on the site of Still On The Verge and if I can handle this one, anyone can.  Basically, we do up a little post about the blog hop, kind of like this one.  Then we add the event button to the post, then start blog hopping.  The code to the button can be found at the website.


Follow as many or as few sites as you want. But remember one thing, you don't have to follow someone back if they follow you, but it good manners to do so. It's all about having fun, meeting new people, and sharing all the things we learn as go through life.