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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Win a "Blog" contest

As you all know, I'm a sucker for a good contest, and I've found another one that is well worth it's weight in link juice. My business partner, Garry Conn has just introduced his latest contest and this is one I think everyone should get in on.

First of all, let me state that this isn't about winning a blog contest. No, it's about winning a blog and all the little things that goes along with it. Included in this contest is a new domain name, a year's worth of free hosting, niche topic consultation, and a lot of other SEO tactics. Garry will even design the entire blog for you. This whole thing is worth about $2000.

This contest is being hosted on Garry's latest blog, which is all about making money online with He's done a great job in designing this blog, so just take a look around and you'll see a little of what he can do in blog design. He is a very creative individual.

This is a real easy contest, and you don't have to have a ton of traffic in order to win. With this contest, everyone has an even chance at winning. So go check out Garry's new blog and get in on the latest contest. Who knows, you might win yourself a whole new place to play.

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