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Monday, August 27, 2007

New Blogging Conn-test

It's time for another blogging contest. My buddy, Garry Conn is holding a contest to help bring in new traffic for his blog. This is a cool contest as the winner will hold a spot on Garry's sidebar for a full month. Not just a name or a link. Garry will post the winners 10 most recent articles on his site.

The rules are simple. In order to play along, you simply need to write a post about the contest, or place a link to Garry's site in your blogroll. When you place the link, make it look like this:
(this link is only an example) Choose the name you'd like to use, and make sure you leave a comment so that Garry knows who you are and that you're playing along. For further details, check out the post.

In addition to the sidebar posts, the winner will receive a little money for their efforts, depending on the number of people sent to Garry's site. If the winner sends 1000 people to the site, they'll win $10. 5000 people will earn the winner $20.

This is a win/win contest and will run through September 26th. Come on by, check it out, and see if you can win yourself a spot on Garry's sidebar.

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