My interests in blog posts run from where to find the best coupons to how to create award-winning content. So when I came across a blog called Engage, I was thrilled because of the diversity of topics found throughout the site. Though all the posts are based on creating a better blog through the content of the site, there is a lot of information packed into one little place.
Engage is the blog of TMG Custom Media Group. They're a company that helps other companies find a voice in our technologically advanced society. That voice might be in the form of a magazine, a video feed, or digital feed. But it's their blog that offers the most help to individuals and companies alike. Not so much with services, but with information. There are a ton of articles that cover everything from content marketing to avoiding distractions.
As I ran through the site, I came across an article about how to employ the values taught in Scouts to our social media rituals. Honestly, I thought it was one of the best articles I've read in a long time. It's not a long article, but it says a lot in very few paragraphs, and that right there is the sign of great writing. And no, if anyone is wondering, I'm not being paid to say any of this. Being a Scout leader for 13 years, I know all about the views held by the organization. Applying those views to our online lives not only makes sense, it could mean bringing more people to your virtual doorstep.
Another thing that really impressed me about Engage The Blog is that it's not just maintained by a single person. There is an entire team of TMG professionals who add their voices to the collective. As a group, they've created a site that offers a deeper insight for the reader. They offer different ways of seeing a situation so anyone who stops by can understand different ways of making their own blogs a better place to visit.
I figured that being a company that specializes in media outlets, they had to be set up on Facebook, which they are. The cool thing is that even though they showcase their site and blog, they also show off the fact that their associates are real people. I think it's cool that managing editor, Andi Gabrick talks to her plants, because I do to. LOL
The best way to find the latest updates on Engage and TMG is through there Twitter page. I've seen companies that post tweets several times a day, but these people update theirs several times per hour which tells me that they're not only constantly evolving, but striving to stay active with their clients/readers/and professionals.
There is a lot more to see around Engage The Blog. I've already added it to my favorites and subscribed to their email updates. I really think I could learn a lot about content management and marketing from this site, and I think you could too. But check them out for yourselves just to make sure. I think you'll find something there that speaks directly to you.

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