Well, I went and found another Friday Follow group. But this time I found it on a site all its own. That's right boys and girls, I'd like to introduce you to Friday-Follow.com. How cool is that. A whole site dedicated to helping mommy bloggers (and daddys too), and anyone else who wants to play along (and play nice), find other like-minded sites.
I really enjoyed being part of the original Friday Follow, and I loved the follow me thing from Trendy Treehouse. The problem was that the code that TT uses to show off all the other cool bloggers out there really messed with my site and I had to take it down. I did leave her link though, she deserves that much. I felt bad because of the other, but I had to do what was best for my site.
But, that's not to say you can't go check out her Friday Follow as well. Who knows, you might find that her code doesn't do a thing to your site and you can meet all kinds of cool people.
So, why do the Friday Follow you might ask??? Easy! It's to help you find bloggers and sites that match with your life skills, and will get you seen as well. Though this is a great way for crafters/sellers/giveaway dealers to network, it's also a great way to get your other talents seen too. For example, I'm a writer. This is a great way for me to get my writing seen by the masses, but I don't really push it on the mommy blogger crowd. I don't know why, I just don't. I'm kinda silly that way.
One rule of thumb I'd like to put out there, if you do get in on any of these follow me parties and people come along and follow you, follow them back. It's not required but it's just good manners. And besides, you can't expect them to hang out at your site if you're not willing to hang out at theirs. :)
Okay kids, that's it for today. Have fun with the parties and as they'll be saying for the rest of the day, Happy Friday!!!!!!!
Happy Friday! I'm your newest follower!
If you get a chance, please follow me too at:
Have a great weekend!
Thanks honey
Give me a minute and I'll be over to check out your site. :)
Hi there!
Your site looks different.
Stopping by from Friday-Follow to say hello.
Have a great day!
Thanks for visiting of FF Thanks for the follow, following back. xx
I'm just a old monkey stopping by to say hello to you & you rawk.
Mr Monkey
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