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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Best Google Month Ever

You'd think I'd be ranting about google right now, seeing as how I got the official bitch slap in their latest PR go round. Yes boys and girls, we went from a PR3 to a big fat goose egg. But honestly, I don't care. This blog was never really about the numbers. It was more about having a place where I could just be myself. Good thing. LOL

Anyway, even though I got booted, I'm still having my best month ever with Google. Now, for those of you who are making hundreds of dollars each month with Google, please understand that I'm still learning all the tricks that come along with making money through Google. I've had a record month. For the first time, I've broken the $30 threshold. I know there are a lot of other people out there who make a lot more than that per month, but this is a personal best for me.

Up until this past December, I'd never made more than $6 in one month. Then in December, I hit the $15 mark. I was so excited, I thought I was going to wet myself. In January, I broke the $20 mark for the month and decided to make that my monthly goal. I figured if I could make at least $20 a month, I was doing something wonderful. Anything over that was a bonus.

Well, now I know how it feels to hit the $30 per month mark. It's awesome. And I think I've finally figured out the trick. At least for me. You've got to have your Google ID on more than one site. I can't say I'll be making $30 each month from now on, but it was so cool to see that number in my stats.

I can't say I'm mad at Google. I'm hurt, but not mad. Yes, I posted some paid reviews on this site, and yes, I knew that Google didn't like that. But I've got kids to feed and several online subscriptions that need to be paid. The one thing that does piss me off is that when Google gives you the smack down, so do the paid review sites. Now that we don't have a nice PR anymore, I can't get any paid posts. It's like I stink or something. Really, I did shower today.

Oh well, it's just more incentive to find other ways of making some money. If anyone out there has any suggestions, I'm all for listening up. Most of the pay per post sites have turned their backs on me, so it's going to take some time. But I'm not a quitter. A whiner yes, but not a quitter. I will find another way, and I'll make sure to pass along any information I come up with. In fact, I'm working a couple new angles as we speak.


Forest Parks said...

Hey Christine...

Social Spark go by a Real Rank not Pagr Rank plus all their links are nofollow and are supposedly Google Friendly.

I reckon they are worth checking out.

sapheyerblu said...

Yeah, I'm a member already, and am currently waiting for my "que" on a couple posts. Just haven't heard anything yet.

Oh, well. I haven't given up yet. :)

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