I've found another great contest that takes some ingenuitive guess work. Check out Ryan Shamus' blog for all the details. I strongly suggest that you read all the rules, and through all the cool prizes that Ryan's going to be passing out. I'm hoping for first prize on this one, simply for the "regulation sized U-Max flying disc.
Ok, here's the skinny on this perticular contest. Ryan is hosting a "Guess the next pagerank update" contest. Basically, you need to guess the exact date of the next pagerank update. However, I've read on a few other blogs that it is already happening, but I'm not sure to what extent. I've heard a few bloggers talking about the fact that they're beginning to see changes to their PR numbers, while others still haven't seen anything. So for me, I'm not sure what's going on.
Anyway, here's my totally uneducated guess. My prediction is that the big change will come, (if it happens like that), on July 21, 2007. That just sounds like a nice, round, number.
I really liked the idea of this contest because I'm one of the "newbies" that is waiting for a PR score. My other blog somehow managed to get rated in the last round, even though it was only a new blog. It has a PR 1 ranking at the moment, and I'd really like to see that number raise a little.
As I said before, be sure to check out Ryan's latest contest. Who knows, you might win yourself a "regulation sized U-Max flying disc". LOL

I am such a sucker for Google PR - I hope it happens soon!!! I would love to see if I have managed to get some PR to my new blog?!? So nervous. I agree with your date - Go with that!!!
Oh, I am too. I've heard talk lately of the whole PR thing not being as important as it used to be, but I'm still hoping for something.
I'd like to see The Sapheyerblu Review go up to at least a 3, and I'd just be tickled pink if this one got a PR1. LOL
Thanks hon.
I'm actually thinking it won't happen until early- to mid-April. This guess is based upon the amount of time that typically occurs between each update, given the timing of their last public server update.
I'm sure hoping that you meant mi-August. LOL
My date has already come and gone so I'm totally out of the running. I've come to the conclusion that it's never going to happen and it's just one of those things that will keep us bloggers sitting on the edges of our seats.
LOL. Anyway, I just hope I get to see one of my sites go up in rank, even if it's only by 1 page rank. At least that way I can say I got noticed by Google. LOL
LOL, yes, I meant August, not April. :)
Do you ever have random thoughts at night about what you did during the day? When I was laying down to bed last night, I thought to myself "did I write April in that PageRank comment?" Weird, I know. ;)
Me, random thought? No, never.
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